I secretly obsess. And obsess and obsess....
Here is just small list of obsessions
1. Travel plans
Yes, this one kind of sucks because I travel a lot. I don't use a travel agent because I feel the need to manage everything to the very minute. I dither over flights that are 15 minutes apart. I check the flights out of three different airports. I spend time on websites figuring out the perfect seat on the plane.
2. Menus/Restaurants
I always have to check the menu a few times before I go to a restaurant. I also read the entire menu again when I arrive at the restaurant. When traveling I check many websites about the best place to go..(seriouseats.com, roadfood.com, yelp.com).
3. Blogs/Websites
I read a few different blogs a day. Then I read blogs/forums that make fun of the blogs that I read. If I haven't read them the day has not begun. I had a serious addiction to New York Social Diary for a few years. I quit that one cold turkey and was quite proud. I check Seriouseats.com about a dozen times a day....are there new posts, are there any good pictures...ahhhh.
4. Words With Friends
I have played someone I don't know for over three years--two games at a time. I usually have about ten games going at once. I play a faculty member that kicks my ass consistently. It's the first thing I do when I wake up.
These aren't serious but they are time wasters. I enjoy them and will continue to obsess.
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